Equine Salve
8 fl oz / 236.6 ml
8 fl oz / 236.6 ml
8 fl oz / 236.6 ml
All organic
Cold pressed 100% Moroccan argan oil
Hand-selected Persian Saffron
Upper Ojai Calendula Extract
Ojai Purple Violet Flower Extract
California Chamomile Oil
Upper Ojai Lavender Extract
California Lemongrass Oil
California Rose-hip Seed Oil
How To Use
Apply and brush throughout horse’s hair for softening, detangling, and moisture. Also, can be applied to any tissue scar or wound as a salve and expediting the healing process and helping to prevent infection.
This product is intended for theraputic purposes between humans and horses. The application helps create a bond through the shared lymbic brain system of both humans and horses.
Perfect for taming wild horses through applying our blend slowly and avoiding sudden movements. Our hands have an abitlity to emit healing frequecy that horses love and connect with. That is why our soothing blend is a great way to bond and calm the horses.
Protects your horse’s hair and skin from free radicals and UV radiation
High in Omega 3, 6, and 9
Anti-fungal and disinfectant
Natural insect repellent
Shines and smooths coat and mane
Restores and protects skin texture and radiance