Beekeeping and the Benefits of Raw Honey for Skincare

For the past two years, our founder/formulator, Hanna, has been practicing beekeeping in Upper Ojai.

Beekeeping positively affects biodiversity since it helps maintain a stable food supply. The vast, diverse wildflowers and plants in upper Ojai have created some amazing raw honey from this fantastic hobby, not to mention the environmental benefits of beekeeping such as pollination and providing predators with food.  

Insects and animals are the primary pollen carriers from one plant, such as wildflowers. Plants reproduce in this phenomenal earthy way. When a bee feeds on a plant, pollen attaches to the bee’s body. Some pollen enters the second plant’s reproductive system upon landing on it. Plants can only produce new seeds through this process, and that’s how new plants grow. Plant life would be impossible without bees as pollinators.

There are a variety of species that prey on honeybees for their nectar and pollen. Here are a few examples:





Beekeeping positively affects biodiversity since it assists maintain a stable food supply. Predators will have plenty to eat if bee numbers remain healthy. Consequently, an apiary’s population will help promote order in the food chain.

Insect pollination accounts for 9.5% of the global economic value of agricultural products for human consumption. So, if there is a reduction in bee populations because of harmful pesticides or any other cause, it can trigger lower crop yields and destroy the ecosystem. Also, it can result in higher production costs and ultimately higher pricing for consumers.

Honey + Its Health benefits:

People used local honey to treat wounds and burns as far back as ancient Persia + Egypt. Honey is one substance on the planet, whose chemical composition is very close to human blood. Researchers believe that honey’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help heal wounds and burn. 

At Seeb Organics, we use our own raw honey and beeswax in our products. Honey is considered a natural humectant, which draws moisture from the air to itself. As a result, it leaves skin supple, moisturized, and naturally healed. We believe raw + unfiltered honey expedites healing of the skin as well as giving it a natural beautiful glow.  

Seeb products with our one of a kind wild raw honey are:

Face Serum Oil

Saffron Salve

Eye Serum Roller

Body Love Coffee + Sage


Let Love Liberate


Happy International Women’s Day