Magic Sleep Foot Oil Serum And Its Therapeutic Properties

What is the role of sleep? Sleeps balances hormones, power washes toxins out of your brain and strengthens the immune system. It also organizes memory and helps muscle recovery.

Our Magic Sleep foot oil was designed to help promote a calm and restful sleep. The essential oils chosen all contribute in a synergistic way to achieve this result. I tried different oils and experimented with different concentrations to achieve the desired and synergistic effect. The result is a beautifully scented oil which not only helps promote sleep but promotes a feeling of wellbeing and calms the spirit through aromatherapy.


Lavender is widely used to calm the mind and spirit, relieve tension, promote relaxation, calm, and support the nervous system. Helps with insomnia. It can even help assuage grief. (After my husband died suddenly and unexpectedly after a heart attack, I was directed by a highly trained clinical aromatherapist to use lavender oil extensively-on a tissue under my pillow, on doorknobs, on my wrists ect to help with the grief and it was an amazing help.)

Rose Geranium soothes anxiety and enhances relaxation.

Rose is calming and gently uplifts the spirit while at the same time relaxes nervous system.

Roman chamomile is full of chemical esters and other compounds which calm, relax and balance the nervous system.

Marjoram relieves tension, calms has a positive effect on the nervous system and promoted sleep.

Grapefruit is used to balance


Calendula is an anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial, which also assist with sleepiness.


Fun Facts about feet:

  • The bottom of our feet has the largest pores in the entire body. This allows for the “Magic Sleep Serum” to enter your body immediately. The area of your body that has the most sweat glands, is the bottom of your feet. The soles of the feet are a focal point of nerve endings and a direct access to organs in your body. Your skin is its thickest on your feet (1.4mm) and thinnest on your eyelids (0.2mm).


Chinese Medicine:

·       In addition to this, the feet and ankles also have key acupuncture points on the kidney meridian. In Chinese medicine the kidneys are very important to sleep. The kidneys are where we store our life energy. We are born with a certain amount of qi. As we age, we use this qi. It is likened to a candle that burns down with time. The kidneys help us to maintain healthy sleep and thus as we age the kidney qi depletes, and our sleep can also become more difficult. It is not just aging that depletes kidney qi.
Stress, overwork, over hurrying and always being on an overachieving goal-oriented agenda can also stress them. Ironically too little sleep or lots of interruption can stress them. Thus, you can get into a pattern where it is difficult to sleep from kidney deficiency and the lack of sleep makes sleep more difficult.

·       There are said to be ways to nourish kidneys.

Some ways to promote healthy kidney functions are herbs, Qigong, Taiji, meditation, healthful foods (and for kidneys certain foods such as seafood, sea vegetables, blackberries, black rice, shiitake mushrooms and other mushrooms) immersion in nature, acupressure, and acupuncture.


·       The points we have chosen to apply our “Foot Serum” are kidney 1 “Gushing Spring” + kidney 6 “Shining Sea”.


·       Stimulating Kidney 1 is said to help restrain the rising of deficient heat and pacify the spirit. It can help with grounding and bringing the person down into their body. It is a key point for insomnia. Kidney 6 is the other key kidney point that promotes healthy sleep.


·       Together these two points, assists with the restoration of the nervous system to allow for the immune system for repair and growth, which assists with digestive system. As well, they assist with mood balancing for stable + blissful mornings


Tip before using our Magic Sleep Foot serumdetox your feet by putting them in warm water, Sea salt or Celtic salt and few drops of lavender essential oil for about 15-20 min once a week. This detoxification is great for clearing your body from any foreign residue and opening your feet’s pores for ultimate absorption.


Happy Persian Nowruz.


Persian Health Secrets